In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, 69风流 Community College (69风流) provides a comprehensive program to address alcohol and other drug-related problems for its faculty, staff, and students. The following outlines the College's efforts in addressing these issues. Campus Police Car display

69风流 provides information regarding the prohibition of illicit drug and (illegal) alcohol use through policies 1-17, Alcohol & Other Drugs for students, and 3-19 Substance and Alcohol

Abuse for faculty and staff. Information in these policies provide:

  • Language regarding the enforcement against the illegal use of drugs and alcohol
  • Information regarding annual notice to students, faculty, and staff

College's stance on this issue;

  • Information regarding resources available at the college and within the community that is available to assist anyone experiencing difficulty with alcohol and/or drugs;
  • Proactive measures the college will take with regard to education.

69风流 will provide events during the academic year that address drug and alcohol awareness that include: · Professional development opportunities for faculty and staff

  • Lectures and workshops for students

Campus police testing sobriety gogglesThe following list is federal and state crimes involving health and safety. Students should be aware that drug or alcohol related convictions could impact their academic or future occupational careers adversely.

Link for

See below links for Commonwealth of Virginia laws related to drugs and alcohol.

Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, give, or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance prohibited; penalties.

Possession of controlled substances unlawful.

Possession of marijuana unlawful.

Driving motor vehicle, engine, etc., while intoxicated, etc.

Drinking while operating a motor vehicle; possession of open container while operating a motor vehicle and presumption; penalty.


In instances where students might need assistance, students should contact the Office of
Student Affairs at (804) 523-5296. The Office of Student Affairs is located Georgiadis Hall, Room 204.

Faculty and staff should contact the Office of Human Resources, located in the Workforce Development & Conference Center, suite 121. Assessment at the end of each academic year the college will assess the impact of its program to determine the impact on the community.

Below is a list of additional alcohol and drug addiction support resources provided by the U.S. government for nationwide substance abuse treatment programs.

Get help from local support groups and other services in your community to stop drinking and taking drugs:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) helps people with problems controlling how much alcohol they drink, and who wish to stop drinking. or an .
  • Al-Anon supports people affected by alcoholic family members or friends. .
  • Alateen is part of the Al-Anon safe group and offers help for teens dealing with a .
  • Narcotics Anonymous (N.A.) assists people who want to stop abusing prescription or illegal drugs. or online support group by searching for the local helpline or website for the area where the meeting is located.
  • NAR-Anon supports people affected by someone using and abusing drugs. .
  • SMART Recovery assists young people and adults with alcohol or other addictions through group therapy sessions. Go to a SMART Recovery meeting in person or .

The following video is a collaboration between the FBI and DEA to raise awareness of prescription drug and opiate addiction.