Why do we have Campus Security Authorities?
• Often victims of crimes do not report an offense to campus police. They may be reported to individuals outside the Department of Police known as Campus Security Authorities (CSA's).
• The Clery Act requires that we gather and publish crime data to ensure that students and others know about specific crimes on campus.
• Data is collected from a wide variety of CSA's - That's where you come in.

What Makes You a Campus Security Authority?

• Campus Police
• Campus Security
• Any individual or individuals responsible for campus security but are not campus police or campus security (i.e. parking deck staff).
• "Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities" - (An official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution.)

Who Is an "Official with Significant Responsibility for Student and Campus Activities?
• Individuals in the Office of Student Affairs
Vice President of Student Affairs
o Dean of Students
o Counselors
o Director of Financial Aid
o Assistant Director of Financial Aid
o Director of Admissions and Records
o Registrar
o Assistant Registrar
o Student Success Coach
o Coordinators
• Academic Advisors
• School Deans and Assistant Deans
• Student Organization Advisors
• Office of Human Resources
Who Is Not a Campus Security Authority?
• Administrative staff not responsible for students (e.g., payroll, facilities)
• Clerical staff
• A faculty member who is only responsible for students and activities in the classroom on campus.

What Does a Campus Security Authority Have to Do?

• You are to record the information on a CSA - Crime Report Form if someone tells you about
a crime or an incident that may be a crime on or adjacent to college grounds.
• The information must be recorded regardless of whether the individual chooses to file a
report with the police or press charges.
• If the person does NOT want to report to police, inform her/him that you may be required
to report the incident as an anonymous statistic, but will not identify anyone involved.
• You are asked to provide assistance to the individual if the individual chooses to report the
incident to law enforcement.

What Does a Campus Security Authority Not Have to Do?

• You are not responsible for determining whether a crime has been committed.
• You are not to apprehend or approach the alleged perpetrator.
• Convince an individual to contact law enforcement if the victim chooses not to do so.
What Types of Crime/Incident Must be Reported (Clery Definitions are provided below)?
• Criminal homicide
• Aggravated assault
• Sex offenses, forcible & non-forcible
• Robbery
• Burglary
• Motor vehicle theft
• Arson
• Hate crimes
• Liquor, drug, and weapon law violations

What Information Has to be Reported?
• A CSA - can be completed on-line.
• The form can also be downloaded and sent to the Department of Police via inter-college mail
• You don't have to be a criminal lawyer or know the crime classification
• Just indicate the crime that seems most likely or possible
• The CSA Coordinator (Chief of Police) will make the final determination and classify the

When Do I Need to Report the Information?
• The form should be completed on-line which is automatically submitted to the CSA Coordinator or can be downloaded and submitted when requested.
• The CSA Coordinator will send an email to all CSAs inquiring whether they have any reports to submit for the time period of January through December.
• This email will be sent between February and April of the new reporting year.
• CSAs will be asked to document in writing whether they have reported any crimes/incidents for which they were aware or whether they do not have any information to report.

Additional Information:
Questions to Ask the Victim

• Is a violent crime in progress? (If so, call police immediately at 523-5911)
• Has the victim sought or is the victim in need of assistance/services?
• What happened? How, when, and where did it happen? Is there an identified suspect?
• Has the incident been reported to police or to another CSA?
o If the answer is yes, don't assume the report was filed. Take the appropriate information and action.
• Does the victim wish to remain anonymous?
Clery Definitions of Crimes/Incidents that Must be Reported
1. Criminal Homicide: murder, non-negligent manslaughter, and negligent manslaughter (including vehicular manslaughter)
2. Aggravated Assault: unlawful attack upon another with intent to inflict severe injury, using a weapon or means likely to produce death or great bodily harm
3. Sex offenses, forcible and non-forcible
o Forcible sex offenses: rape, sodomy, sexual fondling, sexual assault with object
o Non-forcible: statutory rape and incest
4. Robbery: taking/attempting to take something by force, violence, threat of force, or by putting victim in fear
5. Burglary: Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft
6. Motor vehicle theft: theft of automobiles, trucks, etc., including "joyriding" (taking by person without lawful access)
7. Arson: willful or malicious burning/attempt to burn structure, vehicle, or personal property.
8. Hate crimes: Any criminal offense committed against a person or property which is;
o motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias and,
o that the victim was selected because of actual/perceived race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation

9. Liquor, drug, and weapon law violations:
o Police report statistics on arrests for liquor, drug, and weapons-related crimes
o Student judicial affairs, and human resources report statistics on disciplinary referrals for drug, liquor, and weapon law violations (except when the student/employee was also arrested for the same act)
o Statistics must reflect number of persons involved (head count), not just number of incidents

For Additional Information:

• Contact the Campus Security Authority Coordinator - Chief John Ward at 523-5219