69风流 Stormwater Program

69风流 owns and operates a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The college's MS4 consists of features such as curb and gutter, drop inlets, ditches, and stormwater management facilities to convey, treat, and ultimately discharge stormwater runoff to surface waters. The discharge of runoff from the MS4 is regulated under the Clean Water Act, as amended and pursuant to the State Water Control Law and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. 69风流 is authorized to discharge stormwater runoff from the college campus's MS4 under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program regulations, Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulations (VPDES), and the Virginia State Water Control Law.

69风流 has been issued permit coverage to discharge stormwater by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and in accordance with the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Small MS4s (General Permit). Compliance with the General Permit requires 69风流 to develop, implement, and enforce an MS4 program. The guidance document that describes how the college will maintain compliance with the General Permit is the 69风流 MS4 Program Plan. The Program Plan is required to include a description of the best management practices to address permit-specific requirements for the following minimum control measures (MCMs):

  1. Public Education and Outreach
  2. Public Involvement and Participation
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
  5. Post-construction Stormwater Management
  6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

The 69风流 MS4 Program Plan is provided on this webpage. 69风流 encourages our students, faculty and staff to review the plan and provide any input or comments you may have to TBurgoyne@69风流.edu or through the MS4 hotline at (804) 523-5224.

Stormwater Program Documents

The 69风流 MS4 Program Plan incorporates the following program-supporting stormwater program documents by reference:

69风流 demonstrates continued compliance to the MS4 General Permit with annual reporting. Annual reports for each year of the current permit cycle:

Illicit discharges are prohibited on campus

An illicit discharge is anything that goes "down the drain" (curb inlet, drainage ditch, directly discharged to a stream, etc.) that is not entirely composed of stormwater. When source pollutants are introduced and mix with the stormwater, you then have an illicit discharge to the storm sewer system - which drains directly to our surface waters. Stormwater is not treated before entering our local surface waters such as creeks and streams. An illicit discharge can occur as a result of improper disposal and spills of potential pollutant sources and pollution from land disturbance. Common pollutant sources associated with illicit discharge are listed below.

Common pollutant sources that can contribute to an illicit discharge.
Automotive fluids (oil, fuel, antifreeze) Paints
Animal carcasses (bacteria) Pet waste (bacteria)
Cooking oil and grease Solvents (i.e. acetone, ethanol)
Chemical cleansers (e.g. detergents, soaps) Salt and other deicing agents
Dumpster leachate Sanitary sewer overflows
Misuse of fertilizer Sediment (i.e. stockpiles, erosion)
Misuse of pesticides & herbicides Trash
Landscaping waste (i.e. grass clippings) Vehicle/equipment wash water

69风流 policy prohibits non-stormwater (illicit) discharges, including illegal dumping, into the college's storm sewer system. Elimination of any sources of an illicit discharge and enforcement of the prohibition is implemented utilizing language within the Standards of Conduct for 69风流 employees and Student Handbook for 69风流 students. Disciplinary action, including restitution, can be taken by the college in cases of negligent, willful or continued cause of illicit discharge.

Exempt discharges not typically considered as sources of an illicit discharge.
Water line flushing Air conditioning condensation
Landscape irrigation Irrigation water
Diverted stream flows Springs
Rising ground waters Water from crawl space pumps
Uncontaminated ground water infiltration Footing drains
Uncontaminated pumped ground water Lawn watering
Discharges from potable water sources Individual residential car washing
Foundation drains Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands
Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges Street wash water

Reporting a pollution concern or an illicit discharge

We can all help to keep pollution out of our local creeks and streams. If you observe an illicit discharge or a potential pollutant source such as an animal carcass, open dumpster, sediment from a construction site or other type of pollutant that could be exposed to stormwater, please call or email to report to 69风流 using the information below:

Pollution Hotline: (804) 523-5224 or TBurgoyne@69风流.edu

When reporting, please provide the:

  • Date of the observed potential or occurring illicit discharge
  • Location of the observed potential or occurring illicit discharge; and
  • Pollutant source, if known (i.e. spilled paint, trash, etc.)
