A person who experienced an incident of sexual misconduct is encouraged to take the following immediate actions:

  • Get to a safe space as soon as possible.
  • Contact the 69风流 Police Department (if incident occurred on-campus) or other law enforcement (where the incident took place).
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible.  You need to be examined for injury, physical evidence, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after the assault. A specially trained sexual assault nurse examiner will perform DNA collection (Physical Evidence Recovery Kit - PERK), injury assessment, documentation, preventive medications and referrals to legal and support services. Going to the hospital to seek medical attention does not obligate you to report the crime.
  • Contact parents, relatives, or close friends for support.
  • Contact the Title IX Coordinator to discuss reporting options, interim measures and other support measures the campus can offer.
  • Consider contacting and utilizing campus, community, state or national resources.

A person does not have to choose a course of action immediately, but consider preserving evidence in case you choose to pursue charges. Possible evidence might be clothing, bedding, letters, photos, emails, texts, etc.