Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony

Congratulations to all of the graduates! 

Photo Specialities will reach out to graduates via email with their photo proofs from Commencement. If you have any questions about these photos, please contact Nicole Terhune at nicole@photospecialties.com or 919-967-9576.

Applying for Graduation

Students must complete the graduation application online through the Student Information System (SIS). The online application makes for a more efficient graduation process while ensuring the accuracy of information for diplomas and graduation correspondence. Deadlines for graduation applications can be found on the Academic Calendar each semester.

The college reserves the right to graduate students who have completed all requirements for a career studies certificate, certificate and/or associate degree but have not applied for graduation.

Graduation Guidelines

A curricular student eligible for graduation is required to complete and submit the online application for graduation for each degree, certificate, or career studies certificate program by the deadline for that semester or term. Students applying from more than one plan shall include all plans on the application. If a student files for graduation, but does not graduate, the student must reapply for a later graduation date. Students may graduate after fall, spring or summer terms.

To be awarded a degree or certificate, students must complete all program requirements as specified in their catalog with a minimum of 25% of credits earned at 69风流.

  • Students must earn a grade point average of at least 2.000 in the curriculum.
  • Students must submit all documentation of training, education, or tests from organizations outside of 69风流 to the Office of the Registrar Office by the last day of classes in the final semester. All 69风流 courses must also be completed by the last day of classes in the final semester. Incomplete grades must also be completed by the last day of classes to be used for graduation. The School Dean for the curriculum must recommend the student for graduation, and the Registrar must certify completion of all graduation requirements.
  • The student must resolve all financial obligations with 69风流 and must return all library and college materials.

Graduation Honors

Students who have fulfilled the requirements for an A.A., A.S., or A.A.S. degree or a certificate program are eligible for graduation honors (students completing career studies certificates are ineligible for graduation honors). The honors based on scholastic achievement are as follows:

Graduating G.P.A. cumulative
3.200 Cum laude (with honor)
3.500 Magna cum laude (with high honor)
3.800 Summa cum laude (with highest honor)