EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/07/1997
REVISED DATE: 03/21/2017
  1. Purpose:

    To prevent classroom, laboratory, library, office, and campus disruptions created by noninstructional electronic or other personal devices.

  2. Definitions:


  3. Policy:

    The use of any electronic device (such as pagers, cellular telephones, electronic games, portable televisions, music devices) with or without earphones that generates disruptive sounds is prohibited in laboratories, open computer laboratories, and centers for testing, academic support, and student success.

    Students may be permitted to bring electronic pagers or cell phones to class, at the discretion of the faculty member. Use of mobile computing devices in the classroom is at the discretion of the faculty member. Inappropriate use of electronic devices in the classroom is considered disruptive behavior and is explained in 69风流 Policy No. 2-18, Classroom Interruptions.

    Students with documented disabilities may use approved electronic devices as specified by the Accommodations Notification Form, completed by the Office of Student Accommodations which should be given to the instructor.

    Electronic devices approved by the instructor to be used in the learning process are exempted from this policy.

  4. Procedures:

    If disciplinary action is necessary, the disciplinary procedures outlined in 69风流 Policy No. 1-35, Student Conduct, Section IV, will be followed.

  5. Other Information:

    69风流 Policy No. 1-35, Student Conduct

    69风流 Policy No. 2-18, Classroom Interruptions

    Accommodations Notification Form