EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/17/1995
REVISED DATE: 04/23/2019
  1. Purpose:

    To minimize the amount of instructional time lost due to unnecessary interruptions.

  2. Definitions:

    Classroom instruction: the time spent during classes (including distance learning and hybrid classes), laboratories and in classes conducted outside, such as physical education or surveying classes.

    Classroom interruptions: any interruptions to classroom instruction that is caused by students, faculty, and/or staff.

    Disruptive classroom behavior: any behavior that interrupts the learning environment which includes, but is not limited to, sleeping in class, excessive talking during class, excessive tardiness or nonattendance, unauthorized use of cell phones or other electronic devices during class, and verbal, written, or physical threats or attacks.

    Medical emergency: any medical problem that could cause death or permanent injury if not treated quickly.

  3. Policy:

    Classroom time shall be reserved for instructional activities only.

    Faculty members have the discretion to determine what is appropriate classroom behavior for their class(es). Faculty members have the discretion to address disruptive student classroom behavior or medical emergencies in the classroom and are encouraged to immediately contact the Department of Police if a student is exhibiting unusual, suspicious, disruptive, or threatening behavior during classroom instruction. Administrative announcements and other administrative and maintenance activities not related to instruction shall be permitted during classroom time only when absolutely necessary and only when other methods of accomplishing the desired result are not practical. Students with concerns about the classroom learning environment should contact the faculty member directly.

    Newspaper, television, or radio reporters shall not be permitted in the classroom during scheduled instructional time unless initiated by the faculty member involved and with prior approval of the vice president of academic affairs, school dean, and students. All matters related to working with the news media shall be coordinated with the Office of Communications and Public Affairs.

    Interruptions for emergencies involving police, fire, or EMS, or which are facility-related are exempt from this policy. Minor injuries requiring minor or no medical attention are exempt from this policy and can be handled by established protocols within the school.

  4. Procedures:

    1. Handling disruptive students
      1. Faculty members have the discretion to determine what is appropriate classroom behavior for their class(es). Faculty members should include what is appropriate and inappropriate classroom behavior in the class syllabus and discuss this during the first day of the class.

      2. Faculty members should immediately contact the Department of Police at (804) 523-5911, if a student is exhibiting unusual, suspicious, or threatening behavior during classroom instruction. The faculty member must complete the , Behavioral Intervention Referral form, within 24 hours of the incident.

      3. If there is no perception of immediate threat, the following progressive discipline is suggested:

        1. A verbal warning with a follow-up email statement may be issued to the student who displays the disruptive behavior and potential consequences of repeated infraction. For distance learning courses, a written warning should be emailed to the student as soon as the disruptive behavior is observed.

        2. Further disruptive behavior may result in:
          1. completion of

          2. removal from class session in which the disruptive behavior occurs
          3. a reduction in grade as outlined in the course syllabus

      4. Continuous, disruptive behavior that does not respond to faculty member intervention must be immediately reported to the Office of Student Affairs by submission of Behavioral Intervention Referral form, to have the student addressed through 69风流 Policy No. 1-35, Student Conduct. Faculty members should inform the dean or designee of the respective unit with a copy of the form. Progressive discipline documentation is important if the student is later referred to the Office of Student Affairs to be addressed through 69风流 Policy No. 1-35, Student Conduct.

    2. Emergency situations
      1. Emergency situations that impact or have the potential to impact the college community or students, faculty, and staff will be addressed using 69风流 Policy No. 4-34, Emergency Preparedness and Communication in Crisis, and the Crisis and Emergency Management Plan (CEMP).

      2. The Department of Police must be contacted at (804) 523-5219 for any request for professional medical services for medical emergencies that occur during classroom instructional periods.

      3. The Facilities Department will inform the appropriate college community of all work-related activities requiring the disruption of classroom instructional activities.

    3. Visitation of law enforcement officers
      1. The Department of Police will be the point of contact for all visiting law enforcement agency representatives in the performance of duties.

      2. Faculty and staff should notify campus police at (804) 523-5219, if another law enforcement agency requests to enter a class in session to serve a legal paper to students or employees. However, faculty and staff will not interfere with the law enforcement agency and will permit the agency to enter the class to conduct official business.

  5. Other Information:

    69风流 Policy No. 1-04, Student Complaints

    69风流 Policy No. 1-35, Student Conduct

    69风流 Policy No. 4-34, Emergency Preparedness and Communication in a Crisis

    , Behavioral Intervention Referral