REVISED DATE: September 2017

Procedures for Implementing SACSCOC Substantive Change
Type of Substantive Change How potential substantive change is identified Internal procedures for reporting substantive changes to SACSCOC Responsibility
Initiating coursework or programs at a different level than currently approved The college is currently approved to offer programs up to the associate degree level by legislative action and State Board for Community College policy. Initiating coursework or programs different than the associate degree level would require action by the State Board and the Virginia General Assembly. Should such action occur, the college will develop procedures for initiating coursework or programs at a more advanced level using its existing program approval process, including the initiation of procedure 1 according to the deadlines in SACSCOC policy. Accreditation Liaison
Initiating off-campus sites where student can obtain 50% or more credits toward a program (including but not limited to Early College High School, dual enrollment programs offered at a high school, and certificate programs that are not at employer’s request and not on short notice) Requests to offer courses at new off-campus sites are reviewed by the college’s accreditation liaison. The accreditation liaison maintains a master program/plan table, which documents the percentage of each program that can be obtained at each off-campus site. Dual enrollment coordination is also required as is academic affairs. The accreditation liaison will notify the school dean that a prospectus is needed so that procedure 1 can be initiated according to the SACSCOC timeframe, but no later than 6 months prior to the offering of 50 percent or more credits of any program. A modified prospectus may be used if the request comes from an employer and on short notice.

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean

DE coordinator

Vice President Academic Affairs

Expanding at current degree level (significant departure from current programs) All requests for new and revised programs are submitted to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval. Additional approvals for new programs are required by the President’s Executive Cabinet, College Board, VCCS, and the State Board for Community Colleges. The accreditation liaison monitors the actions of the Curriculum Committee and presents the recommendations to the President’s Executive Cabinet (PEC). A prospectus will be developed and procedure 1 will be initiated according to the SACSCOC timeframe

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean

Expanding program offerings at previously approved offcampus sites that ARE significantly different from current programs at the site AND at the institution. All requests for new and revised programs are submitted to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval. Additional approvals for new programs are required by the President’s Executive Cabinet and College Board. Same as above

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean

Initiating degree completion programs Same as above Same as above

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean

Initiating a branch campus Initiating a branch campus requires approval of the college president, VCCS chancellor, and action by the State Board for Community Colleges. Upon approval by the State Board for Community Colleges for a new branch campus, a prospectus will be developed and procedure 1 will be initiated according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Accreditation Liaison

Vice President Finance and Administration

Initiating distance learning by offering 50 percent or more of a program for the first time. All requests for new and revised programs are submitted to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval. Additional approvals for new programs are required by the President’s Executive Cabinet and College Board. The accreditation liaison monitors the actions of the Curriculum Committee and presents the recommendations to the President’s Executive Cabinet (PEC). A prospectus will be developed and procedure 1 will be initiated according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Accreditation Liaison

Relocating a main or branch campus Relocating the main or a branch campus requires approval of the college president, VCCS chancellor, and action by the State Board for Community Colleges. Upon approval by the State Board to relocate the main or a branch campus, a prospectus will be developed and procedure 1 will be initiated, according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Vice President Finance and Administration

Accreditation Liaison

Entering into a contract with an entity not certified to participate in USDOE Title IV programs if the entity provides 25% or more of an educational program offered by the SACSCOC accredited institution. All contractual/consortium agreements require the review and approval of the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Requests for initiating programs/courses through contractual agreement or consortium must be submitted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President’s Executive Cabinet for approval. A prospectus will be developed and procedure 1 will be initiated according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Vice President Academic Affairs

Vice President Finance and Administration

Accreditation Liaison

Initiating dual or joint degrees involving program expansion (significant departure) or initiating a new site where student can obtain 50% or more credits toward a program (See .) A joint or dual degree with another institution requires a memorandum of agreement (MOA). All MOAs require the review and approval of the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Requests for initiating a joint or dual degree with another institution must be submitted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President’s Executive Cabinet for approval.

Vice President Academic Affairs

Vice President Finance and Administration

Accreditation Liaison

Initiating dual or joint degree with at least one institution not accredited by SACSCOC Same as above. Requests for initiating a joint or dual degree with another institution must be submitted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President’s Executive Cabinet for approval. If the agreement is with an institution not accredited by SACSCOC, upon approval by the President’s Executive Cabinet, a prospectus will be developed according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Vice President Academic Affairs

Vice President Finance and Administration

Accreditation Liaison

Initiating a direct assessment competency-based program (See Direct Assessment Competency-Based Educational Programs) Same as above. Requests for initiating a a direct assessment competency-based program must be submitted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President’s Executive Cabinet for approval. If the agreement is for a joint program with another SACSCOC-accredited institution or for a dual degree program, upon approval by the President’s Executive Cabinet, a prospectus will be initiated according the SACSCOC timeframe.

Vice President Academic Affairs

Accreditation Liaison

Initiating a merger/ consolidation with another institution (See .) Initiating a merger/consolidation with another institution requires approval of the College Board, VCCS chancellor, and action by the State Board for Community Colleges. Prior to submission of a request for a merger/consolidation with another institution to the chancellor and State Board, a prospectus will be developed and the process described in SACSCOC policy on mergers, consolidations and change of ownership will be initiated, according to the SACSCOC timeframe.


Accreditation Liaison

Changing governance, ownership, control, or legal status of the institution (See .) Any change in governance, ownership, control, or legal status must be initiated by the State Board for Community Colleges. Upon notification that a request to change the governance, ownership, control, or legal status of the college is being considered by the State Board, the college president would instruct the accreditation liaison to develop a prospectus and initiate the process described in SACSCOC policy on mergers, consolidations and change of ownership, and according to the SACSCOC timeframe.


Accreditation Liaison

Acquiring any program or site from another institution (See .) Any decision to acquire a program or site, or to conduct a teach-out for another institution that is closing must be approved by the President’s Executive Cabinet. Depending on the type of acquisition, additional approvals may be needed by the Curriculum Committee, College Board, and State Board for Community Colleges. Upon approval to acquire a program or site, or to conduct a teach-out for another institution that is closing, the accreditation liaison would develop a prospectus and initiate the process described in SACSCOC policy on mergers, consolidations and change of ownership, and according to the SACSCOC timeframe.


Accreditation Liaison

Adding a permanent location at a site where the institution is conducting a teach-out for students from another institution that is closing (See .) Same as above. Same as above.


Accreditation Liaison

Initiating a certificate program at a new off-campus site at employer’s request and on short notice (previously approved program) All requests for new certificate programs are submitted to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval. Additional approvals for new programs are required by the President’s Executive Cabinet and College Board. The accreditation liaison monitors the actions of the Curriculum Committee and presents the recommendations to the President’s Executive Cabinet (PEC). The accreditation liaison will initiate procedure 1 according to the SACSCOC timeframe, if the new program is a significant departure from current programs. A modified prospectus may be used.
Initiating a certificate program that is a significant departure from previously approved programs at employer’s request and on short notice Same as above Same as above

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean

Adding a site under a U.S. military contract for a previously approved program All requests for new sites must be coordinated with the Vice President of Finance and Administration, with the inclusion of the Vice President of Student Affairs regarding the military and veterans affairs. The accreditation liaison will initiate procedure 1 according to the SACSCOC timeframe, if the new program is a significant departure from current programs. A modified prospectus may be used.

Accreditation Liaison

Vice President Student Affairs

Vice President Finance and Administration

Altering significantly the length of a program Program length is dictated by VCCS policy and does not allow for significant alteration. The Curriculum Committee monitors the length of all programs according to the policy. Upon notification that VCCS policy is changed to allow for significant alteration in program length, the college will develop procedures for altering program length using its existing program approval process, including the initiation of procedure 1 according to the SACSCOC timeframe. Accreditation Liaison
Altering significantly the educational mission of the institution The college’s mission must be approved by the college president, College Board, and if altered significantly, by the State Board for Community Colleges. The accreditation liaison is responsible for seeking appropriate approvals for changes in the college mission. If altered significantly, upon approval by the State Board, the accreditation liaison will develop a prospectus and initiate procedure 1 according to the SACSCOC timeframe. Accreditation Liaison
Changing from clock hours to credit hours Not applicable. The college does not use clock hours for credit courses. Not applicable. The college does not use clock hours for credit courses Not applicable
Moving an off-campus instructional site (serving the same geographic area) Requests to move an off-campus instructional site must be initiated by the school dean and/or Vice President of Academic Affairs and approved through the college’s facilities request process. Upon approval to move the off-campus instructional site, the accreditation liaison will initiate procedure 2 with a letter of prior notification, according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean/Vice President Academic Affairs

Initiating dual or joint degrees with other SACSCOC accredited institution(s) (See ) A joint or dual degree with another institution requires a memorandum of agreement (MOA). All MOAs require the review and approval of the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Requests for initiating a joint or dual degree with another institution must be submitted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President’s Executive Cabinet for approval. At least 6 months prior approval is required by SACSCOC.

Vice President Academic Affairs

Vice President Finance and Administration

Accreditation Liaison

Initiating programs/courses offered through contractual agreement or consortium All contractual/consortium agreements require the review and approval of the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Requests for initiating programs/courses through contractual agreement or consortium must be submitted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President’s Executive Cabinet for approval. Prior to implementation, procedure 2 will be initiated with a letter of notification.

Vice President Academic Affairs

Vice President Finance and Administration

Accreditation Liaison

Entering into a contract with an entity not certified to participate in USDOE Title IV programs if the entity provides less than 25% of an educational program offered by the SACSCOC accredited institution. All contractual/consortium agreements require the review and approval of the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Requests for initiating programs/courses through contractual agreement or consortium must be submitted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President’s Executive Cabinet for approval. A letter of notification will be developed and procedure 2 will be initiated according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Vice President Academic Affairs

Vice President Finance and Administration

Accreditation Liaison

Initiating off-campus sites where student can obtain 2549% of credits toward a program (including but not limited to Early College High School, dual enrollment programs offered at a high school, and certificate programs that are not at employer’s request and not on short notice) Requests to offer courses at new off-campus sites are reviewed by the college’s accreditation liaison. The accreditation liaison maintains a master program/plan table, which documents the percentage of each program that can be obtained at each off-campus site. Dual enrollment coordination is also required as is academic affairs. A letter of notification will be developed and procedure 2 will be initiated according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean

Initiating distance learning by offering 25-49 of the first program for the first time Same as above Same as above Same as above
Closing a program, approved off-campus site, branch campus, or institution where the institution plans to teachout its own students. All requests for discontinuation of programs are submitted to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval. Additional approvals for program discontinuances are required by the President’s Executive Cabinet and College Board. The accreditation liaison monitors the actions of the Curriculum Committee and presents the recommendations to the President’s Executive Cabinet (PEC). The accreditation liaison will initiate procedure 3 with a letter of notification and description of the plan and/or agreement, according to the SACSCOC timeframe.

Accreditation Liaison

School Dean

Closing a program, approved off-campus site, branch campus, or institution where the institution plans contracts with another institution(s) to teach-out students (Teachout Agreement). Same as above, including that requests must specify the arrangements for teach-out. Upon approval by the President’s Executive Cabinet, the accreditation liaison will initiate procedure 3 with a letter of notification and description of the plan and/or agreement, according to the SACSCOC timeframe.


Accreditation Liaison

Glossary of Terms:

Accreditation liaison: the associate vice president of strategic planning and institutional effectiveness (AVP of SPIE); duties include the submission of all correspondence, notifications, prospectuses, and supporting documentation related to reporting substantive changes to the SACSCOC.

Dual degrees: where students study at two or more institutions and each institution grants a separate academic award bearing only its name, seal, and signature of the institution awarding the degree to the student.

Joint degrees: where students study at two or more institutions and the institutions grant a single program completion credential bearing the names, seals, and signatures of each of the two or more institutions awarding the degree to the student.

Modified Prospectus: a prospectus submitted in lieu of a full prospectus for certain designated substantive changes. When a modified prospectus is acceptable, the Commission specifies requested information from the institution.

Procedure 1: substantive changes requiring notification, submission of an application or a , and approval by the Commission on Colleges prior to implementation by the institution.

Procedure 2: substantive changes requiring an institution to the Commission on Colleges prior to implementation by the institution.

Procedure 3: procedure for closing a program, instructional site, branch campus or an institution, including teach-out plans and teach-out agreements. See the .

Prospectus: a document containing an abstract, background information, assessment of need, evidence of program planning/approval, full description of the change, faculty, library and learning resources, student support services, physical resources, financial support, evaluation and assessment methods, and related appendices, as described in the .

Significant departure: a program that is not closely related to previously approved programs at the institution or site or for the mode of delivery in question. To determine whether a new program is a “significant departure,” it is helpful to consider the following questions:

  • What previously approved programs does the institution offer that are closely related to the new program and how are they related?
  • Will significant additional equipment or facilities be needed?
  • Will significant additional financial resources be needed?
  • Will a significant number of new courses will be required?
  • Will a significant number of new faculty members will be required?
  • Will significant additional library/learning resources be needed?