The Process

There are three parts to the process:

  • Application & matching
  • One-on-one meetings
  • Group meetings

Application and matching

Students complete an application and an interview. There are a limited number of spaces available and students who are accepted into the program but cannot join because of space limitations will be placed on a wait list. Students will be matched with a staff or faculty member to form a mentor-mentee relationship.

One-on-one meetings

The mentor (staff or faculty member) and mentee (student) will meet at least twice a semester for 30 minutes. They will also have several brief check-ins throughout the semester to ensure that mentees are reaching their full potential and succeeding academically.

Group meetings

Students will also attend 5 workshops a semester on a range of topics such as leadership development, communication skills, conflict management, financial literacy, resume building, interview skills, and more. Some workshops will have guest speakers to talk about their careers and give students advice about succeeding in college and in the professional world of work. Some workshops will have "open" topics - students will have forums to voice their opinions and concerns about events of the day.

What is a mentoring relationship?

Some students have never been involved in a mentoring relationship. Don't worry! There will be separate training sessions for mentors and mentees to understand the dynamics of a mentoring relationship. This will occur prior to the start of the semester. There will also be a kick-off event so all mentors and mentees can get to know one another.

Mentors and mentees talk about a variety of topics of their choosing. Some mentees want encouragement throughout the semester, others want reminders about due dates for papers and tests, some want to talk about the world of work after graduation, and some want to talk about the challenges they face as first-generation college students.

You'll also get to know the other mentees in the program and form friendships. Being a part of REAL Men can lead to other opportunities such as getting involved with Student Senate, Student Ambassadors, and other clubs and organizations.


Students - if you are ready to apply, fill out the or contact Marlon Johnson for the WISE form.

Faculty/staff - if you would like to apply to be a mentor, fill out the or the .


Please e-mail or call 804-523-5005 with any questions.

  • Mr. Marlon Johnson, REAL Men Coordinator
  • Ms. Robin Beale, WISE Coordinator