Stay Informed

Before, during and after a disaster, it is critical that you listen for the most local, up-to-date information from emergency officials. Local media will convey instructions from local, state and federal government partners, such as:

  • Orders to evacuate
  • Details about evacuation routes
  • Locations of evacuation shelters
  • How to safely stay where you are
  • Where to find assistance
  • Weather warnings and watches

Make sure your battery-powered radio is working in case the electricity goes out. Have extra batteries on hand.

Get a so you can hear severe weather warnings directly from the National Weather Service.

It is also important to know what kinds of threats could affect where you live. Explore the links under "Stay Informed" above to learn more about these threats and how to respond to them. Knowing what to do during an emergency is an important part of being prepared.

Image of Capital Alert Button