69风流 Emergency Procedures


  • Move to an interior room, without windows, on the lowest floor of the building.
  • Stay away from corners, windows, doors and outside walls.
  • Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
  • If you are outside and unable to get to a car or a building for protection, move away from the tornado’s path at a right angle. If there is no time to escape, lie flat in the nearest depression (ex. ditch or ravine). Cover your head with your arms. 

Medical Emergency

If someone requires immediate medical attention:

  • Call or have someone else call 911 or 804–523– 5911 right away and report the emergency.
  • Provide first aid and medical assistance as necessary, if trained.
  • Follow instructions of the Emergency Dispatcher. DO NOT hang up until the Dispatcher ends the call.
  • DO NOT move the victim, unless they are in immediate danger.
  • If the victim is conscious, try to comfort them and obtain medical information (ex. medical problems, medications, etc.). Any medical information will assist medical personnel if the victim loses consciousness.
  • Have someone meet the ambulance at the building entrance or at a safe location, and direct emergency personnel to the victim.
  • Notify the faculty, staff or college official, who will notify the individual’s supervisor or if a student, their emergency contact


  • Activate the nearest fire alarm and call 911 or 804–523–5911 if possible. If there are no fire alarms, knock on doors and yell “fire” as you exit the building.
  • Evacuate the building. Do not use elevators!
  • Feel closed doors with the back of your hand. Do not open if doors are hot.
  • Move well away from the building when evacuating and assemble at designated assembly areas.
  • DTC – 8th St between the VCU parking deck and Cabannis Hall.
  • Other locations – 300 feet away from the building.
  • Do not re-enter the building until cleared by authorized personnel. 

Bomb Threat

  • Remain calm.
  • Obtain as much information as possible and write it down.
  • Stay on the line and have someone call 804- 523-5911 or 911.
  • DO NOT use cellular phones or two-way radios.
  • DO NOT activate the fire alarm system to evacuate.
  • Shelter in place or evacuate the building as directed.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until cleared by authorized personnel.
  • Be prepared to evacuate and take personal belongings with you.

Threats or Threatening Behaviors, Suspicious Person

Be aware of unusual behavior, if you see something say something

  • Remain calm, listen to their complaints\demands Leave the area as soon as it is safe to do so. 
  • Do not physically confront the person.
  • Call 911 or 804-523-5911. Provide as much information as possible about the person, height, weight, gender, what the person is wearing etc, along with their direction of travel

Active Shooter

  • Determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life and call 911 or 804–523–5911 when it is safe to do so.
  • Run/Get Out. Evacuate if you can. (This may be your best chance of survival.) Have an escape route in mind. Leave valuables behind and keep hands visible.
  • Hide in an area outside of the shooter’s view. Block entry to your hiding place and lock doors. Turn off lights and silence electronic devices.
  • Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger. Attempt to incapacitate the shooter. Act with physical aggression

Suspicious Package

  • Do not touch or disturb the object.
  • Do not use cellular phones or two-way radios.
  • Call 911 or 804–523–5911 from a campus phone.
  • Be prepared to evacuate and take personal belongings with you.

Power Outage            

  • Remain calm. Provide assistance to others if necessary.
  • Move cautiously to a lighted area. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
  • If asked to evacuate the building by emergency personnel, exit as calmly and carefully as possible.
  • Do not re-enter the building until authorized by authorities. Listen for information regarding building/college closings.
  • For localized outages during business hours, contact Campus Facilities at 804–523–5791. After hours, contact Campus Police at 804-523-5911.


  • Indoors: Stay where you are and cover your head by getting under a sturdy table or desk
  • Outdoors: Stay outside, move away from anything that could fall on you DO NOT enter or leave a building during an earthquake
  • Afterwards: Carefully check for falling debris, glass or metal before exiting the building

Hazardous Materials 

  • If an emergency develops or if anyone is in danger, call 911 or 804-523-5911.
  • Move away from the site of the hazard to a safe location (up wind if possible).
  • Follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
  • Alert others to stay clear of the area.
  • Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed to the hazard or have information about its release

Other Emergencies

  • On campus call 804- 523-5911 or from a campus phone 65-5911
  • Off campus call 911 Students, parents, faculty and staff, are strongly encouraged to sign up for . This free service is the fastest way to obtain emergency notifications and timely warnings. Sign up at 

Additional detailed information is available in the 69风流 Community College Crisis Emergency Management Plan

The 69风流 Police Department is professionally accredited by the Virginia Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission. Our police officers have full powers of arrest and concurrent jurisdiction on all campuses of J Sargeant 69风流 Community College. The fastest way to obtain assistance is to call for officers who are already on campus. You can call 655911 from any campus phone or (804) 523-5911.

Last Revised: 03/13/2023