REVISED DATE: 08/26/2024
  1. Purpose:

    To ensure essential and timely student access to course syllabi, course grades, and faculty contact information.

  2. Definitions:

    Canvas: the learning management system employed throughout the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) and used by all 69风流 faculty and students. 

    Learning Management System (LMS): a software application or web-based technology that is used to create and deliver learning content, assess student performance, engage student participation, and administer and document educational courses or training programs.

  3. Procedures:

    All faculty teaching in any instruction modality, including face-to-face, dual enrollment, hybrid, and online, are responsible for providing students with the following materials and information through Canvas, the college’s current learning management system (LMS), or, in instances when appropriate for dual enrollment faculty, through the high school-supported LMS:

    1. Communication

      An email from faculty will be sent to students and posted in Canvas that includes the location and time (if applicable) for class meetings, course materials needed, and a general statement of course structure, with a list of assignment types to expect. This email message should be sent at least 72 hours prior to the first day of the semester / session.

    2. Course syllabus

      A complete course syllabus, inclusive of the course schedule for assignments, course outcomes, course schedule for activities and assignments, grading policies, and instructional and college policies, will be posted within the Syllabus Page.

    3. Course grades

      All faculty will record individual student grades within Canvas Grades or, in instances when appropriate for dual enrollment faculty, through the high school-supported LMS, so that students have continuous access to their course grades. Faculty will communicate grading timelines to students via the course syllabus; if delays occur, the faculty will communicate the time period within which students can expect evaluated assignments and posted grades via the LMS. Before the course withdrawal date, faculty will ensure that a mid-semester course grade (or its approximate) is available to individual students within the LMS so that they can make informed decisions about their course progress.

    4. Faculty contact information

      Faculty will post their contact information (inclusive of college email and office phone number, if available) in Canvas, under Account Profile and on the course syllabus. For faculty who do not have an office phone number, the college email address will suffice. Faculty will also provide their response time for email and phone inquiries. If students encounter challenges in receiving access to these essential course materials, and if appropriate and necessary, students should refer or be referred to 69风流.

    If students encounter challenges in receiving access to these essential course materials, and if appropriate and necessary, students should refer or be referred to 69风流 Policy No. 1-04, Student Complaints, and/or 69风流 Policy No. 1-12, Student Appeal of Academic and/or Administrative Decisions.

  4. Other Information:

    For dual enrollment faculty, this policy supplements , Agreement for Instructional Services Rendered by Independent Contractor.

    For all faculty, this policy supplements and supports  69风流 Policy No. 2-06, Grades Plan.