REVISED DATE: 05/26/2022
  1. Purpose:

    By establishing guidelines for the qualification of instructors to teach distance learning and hybrid (online asynchronous and synchronous) courses, and by establishing criteria for documenting ongoing currency of knowledge and skills to teach those courses, this policy will:

    • empower 69风流 faculty to support student success in distance learning and hybrid classrooms;
    • ensure an appropriately skilled instructor pool for distance learning and hybrid courses;
    • assure courses meet required guidelines; and
    • assure compliance with expectations for faculty and course development as outlined by NC-SARA, C-RAC guidelines, and other accrediting and governing bodies.

    The procedures for implementation of this policy are provided below.

  2. Procedure and/or Process Definitions:

    CETL – Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: the center that ensures the quality of online courses offered at 69风流 (69风流).

    Non-traditional: class codes as currently in use (i.e., OA, LO, HO, HP, or HD designation for courses offered online, asynchronous and synchronous modalities).

    Quality Matters™ (QM™): a faculty-centered, peer-review process for certifying distance learning courses. Quality Matters™ and QM™ are trademarks of MarylandOnline (MOL).

    Substantive Professional Development: the regular and Substantive Interactions workshop currently offered by CETL.

  3. Procedures:

    1. Establishing initial qualifications to teach online:

      1. New to teaching non-traditional courses: Complete an approved training offered by CETL or an approved online teaching training partner prior to the start of their non-traditional course. This involves providing evidence of specific applied pedagogical, technological, and administrative skills for teaching online. CETL will identify and approve online teaching training partners.

      2. New to 69风流 with prior non-traditional teaching experience: Demonstrate successful completion of a “teaching online training” program approved by CETL. These programs include but are not limited to courses offered through Quality Matters™, the Online Learning Consortium, and ACUE. Such programs generally require a commitment of 6-10 hours of interaction with course materials, course facilitators and fellow learners, and completed within five years prior to the date of hire. Candidates will also demonstrate competency using the Learning Management System (LMS).

      3. Faculty members who have not taught an online course within 18 months of completing the training: Demonstrate pedagogical and technology skills by successfully completing at least nine (9) hours of professional development in Learning Management System (LMS) training and/or online pedagogy. Professional development options include completion of technology training sessions relevant to online instruction; attendance at relevant conferences; completion of coursework connected to teaching and learning online; or completion of workshops offered through organizations such as Quality Matters, the Online Learning Consortium, and ACUE.

      4. Documentation: Faculty should submit documentation to the appropriate school dean to confirm completion of professional development.

      5. Exemption options: Deans or designees, in collaboration with CETL, will determine possible exemption options for items A.1, A.2, and A.3, above.

    2. Qualifications for Course Development: Online asynchronous courses will be developed and taught by faculty who have established the initial qualifications for teaching non-traditional courses. Faculty will submit completed courses to CETL for review for high-quality course design and delivery strategies.

    3. Maintaining Credentials for Teaching Non-traditional Sections: Faculty who routinely teach non-traditional courses will demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement and ongoing professional development by submitting documentation of professional development in online pedagogy or LMS technologies to the Dean of Online Learning every year when they sign a new contract.

    4. Online Teaching Scheduling: The school dean or designee will determine course scheduling decisions, including scheduling non-traditional classes. When making scheduling decisions, approval of qualifications to teach online does not guarantee availability of online courses.

  4. Other Information:

    Request to Teach Distance Learning or Hybrid Courses

    Semester Start Canvas Checklist: (open link below using Chrome browser)