EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/06/1991
REVISED DATE: 12/18/2018
  1. Purpose:

    To describe the guidelines under which the college will provide faculty pay and compensation for teaching and non-teaching duties during the summer session and to provide guidance in selecting the appropriate method of payment for professional services when the individual hired is not a fulltime Virginia community college employee or under a 9-month, 10-month, or 11-month contract with the VCCS System Office or other Virginia community college.

  2. Definitions:

    Adjunct contract: a document which describes all terms and conditions for hiring part-time instructors for teaching duties and responsibilities, and which is used solely to compensate individuals for part-time teaching assignments.

    Average full-time one-credit summer rate: a figure which represents the average full-time onecredit summer rate of all full-time 69风流 faculty for the current summer term, and which may change annually based on salary increases provided by the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Virginia Community College System. This figure is provided in the Summer Session Guidelines Addendum included with this policy.

    Clinical hours: the number of hours per week in a clinical setting as defined in the course description in the catalog.

    Course contact hours: actual hours of contact per week, per semester, in a course (lectures, seminars, laboratories, clinicals, shops, supervised practice, and similar instructional activities) or the total of lecture and laboratory/clinical hours. For purposes of calculating workload, the contact hours for distance learning courses will be the same as the established contact hours for oncampus courses.

    Independent contractor: an individual (non-full-time VCCS employee) hired to perform a nonteaching work assignment where the principal work is not performed on the college’s premises, daily oversight of the work is not required, college supplies and equipment are not utilized, and work assignment results in the submission of a quantifiable and verifiable end product, (e.g., course development under $5,000); or, an individual (non-full-time VCCS employee) hired to perform a one-time service or activity (e.g., speaker, PDO instructor or facilitator, or consultant work under $5,000).

    Laboratory hours: the number of hours per week in a laboratory setting as defined in the course description in the catalog.

    Lecture hours: the number of hours per week in a lecture setting as defined in the course description in the catalog.

    Non-contractual period: the timeframe between May 15 and the first day of summer session and the last day of the summer session (when final grades are due) and August 16.

    Non-credit contact hours: actual hours of contact required to conduct the non-credit instructional activity.

    One (1) equivalent course credit: a minimum of forty (40) hours of summer work.

    Payment for professional duties and consultant: a VCCS form to document the hiring and the assignment of work or project to a full-time VCCS administrator or professional faculty from another VCCS college to perform duties at 69风流. Additionally, the home college will provide payment to the faculty member and will charge back the funds to 69风流 through the InterAgency Transfer (IAT) process.

    Return-to-campus payment:a one-time, one-half (0.5) credit payment based on an adjunct faculty member’s per credit-hour pay rate for the semester that is paid for teaching at least one course that meets face-to-face on multiple days of the week during the semester.

    Summer session: the contractual period that begins on the first day of summer session and ends on the last day in which final grades are due to the Office of Admissions and Records.

    Wage/Hourly employment process: the process used to hire part-time hourly workers for nonteaching work assignments.

  3. Policy:

    The following guidelines are issued for summer sessions based on the VCCS Budget Model and are subject to change by the VCCS.

    1. Required efficiency

      The college must operate the summer session at an efficiency level which will be determined by the President’s Executive Cabinet upon receipt of the VCCS Budget Model. This efficiency factor will be documented in the Summer Session Guidelines Addendum.

    2. Full-time 9-month teaching faculty on summer teaching contracts

      Full-time 9-month teaching faculty members who accept summer teaching contracts at a summer faculty pay rate are expected to fulfill their normal responsibilities as a full-time teaching faculty member, including office hours, committee assignments, and student advising based on the percent of a full load that they are carrying for the summer.

    3. Hiring timeframe, paperwork, and decisions

      Hiring decisions, pay documents and contracts, and terms and conditions of work assignments, including compensation, must be completed by the hiring manager prior to the start of any summer work assignment.

    4. Full-time 9-month teaching faculty on special summer contracts

      1. For the summer contract period, full-time 9-month teaching faculty may be awarded a summer professional contract for a given number of equivalent course credits for special and particular assignments, in addition to, or in lieu of teaching. Such a summer contract shall be funded by the college or through special funds and will be compensated via , Summer Professional Contract. For summer professional contracts, terms and conditions of work assignments, including compensation, must be determined and agreed upon by the faculty member and the hiring manager prior to the start of the work assignment.

      2. For the non-contractual period, special and particular non-teaching assignments, awarded to 9-month full-time teaching faculty shall also be compensated via , Summer Professional Contract.

      3. Nine-month teaching faculty may be contracted to perform program head or assistant to the dean duties and responsibilities during the summer months. These work assignments are to be converted to equivalent course credit hours and documented on , Agreement for Full-Time Nine Month Faculty Employment.

    5. Compensation rates for special summer duties and responsibilities

      1. Non-teaching summer work assignments for full-time 9-month teaching faculty will be compensated based at the faculty member’s individual full-time ten-credit summer rate. One tenth (10th) of the ten-credit summer rate is the pay rate for one (1) equivalent course credit. For one (1) equivalent course credit, the faculty member shall be required to perform a minimum of forty (40) hours of summer program work.

      2. There will be only one (1) exception to the above. Nine-month teaching faculty who serve as a participant/student in a hybrid learning course shall be compensated at the rate of one-half (0.5) of the 69风流 average full-time one-credit summer rate (see Summer Session Guidelines Addendum). This flat rate amount shall be adjusted each year in accordance to VCCS-published salary rate increases. Additionally, hybrid participants/students shall be required to complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of class time or hybrid course work to receive the full flat rate amount; otherwise pay amounts shall be pro-rated based on actual hours worked

      3. Non-full-time VCCS employees who are assigned to on-site non-teaching summer work assignments shall be compensated using their individual adjunct rate and the wage/employment process. Work assignments must be fully detailed and assigned to role titles, pay bands, and hourly rates as provided in the Department of Human Resource Management’s COMP REFORM compensation program. Regardless of the level of work, all wage/hourly positions are categorized as non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and are eligible for overtime pay. Additionally, wage/hourly employees are required to complete the bi-weekly timesheet in order to receive earned pay. For one (1) equivalent course credit, the employee shall be required to perform forty (40) hours of summer program work.

      4. Non-full-time VCCS employees who are assigned to off-site non-teaching summer work assignments shall be compensated via the independent contractor accounting process. Compensation amounts and hours worked must be determined and agreed upon by the individual and the hiring manager. Under no circumstances can compensation exceed $5,000 for a single work assignment.

    6. Summer teaching loads

      1. A full teaching load for 9-month teaching faculty during the summer session is defined as follows:

        Summer teaching loads
        Credits Contacts
        10 10
        8-9 13
        Fewer than 8 16

        For the purposes of workload calculations, every lecture hour shall equate to one (1) credit hour and one (1) contact hour and every laboratory/clinical hour shall equate to one-half (0.5) credit hour and one (1) contact hour.

        For purposes of workload calculations, fifteen (15) contact hours of non-credit lecture activity are equivalent to one (1) contact hour of lecture credit instruction or one (1) workload credit hour. Fifteen (15) contact hours of non-credit laboratory/clinical activity are equivalent to (1) contact hour of laboratory/clinical credit instruction or one-half (0.5) workload credit hour.

      2. Teaching loads for adjunct faculty during the summer session are required to comply with the Affordable Care Act. To ensure that adjunct faculty do not exceed 80% of a full-time teaching load, the VCCS has established a maximum teaching load for adjunct faculty of eight (8) credit hours in summer semester. These maximum credit hours apply to the total from all courses taught for credit at any community college in the VCCS.

    7. Proration

      Generally, there shall be no proration of faculty teaching loads due to low enrollment. As a guideline, course sections with enrollment equal to or exceeding 75% of the respective funding ratio shall not be cancelled, and the instructor shall be compensated for the full equivalent teaching load associated with that course, as prescribed above. Academic deans may run classes whose enrollment is less than 75% of the funding ratio, compensating the instructor for the full equivalent teaching load, with the written consent of the vice president of academic affairs. Otherwise, course sections with enrollment less than 75% of the funding ratio shall be cancelled. For the purposes of achieving required instructional efficiencies, academic deans may cancel classes whose enrollment is more than 75% of the funding ratio, with the written consent of the vice president of academic affairs. Decisions regarding cancellation of Student Development (SDV) courses are the responsibility of the vice president of student affairs.

    8. Cooperative education/internships, supervised or independent study, and clinical courses

      The teaching load for cooperative education/internships, supervised or independent study, and clinical courses may be pro-rated based on enrollment, at the discretion of the academic deans, and with the concurrence of the faculty member. Such decisions must be reached by no later than the last day to drop with a refund. The academic deans shall be responsible for determining final teaching load adjustments. Teaching load adjustments associated with proration of Student Development (SDV) courses offered as cooperative education/internships, supervised or independent study, or clinical courses are the responsibility of the vice president of student affairs.

    9. Return-to-Campus payments

      During the summer session, and pending available college funds as determined by the college president, an adjunct faculty member who teaches at least one (1) course that meets face-to-face on multiple days of the week during any one (1) semester will qualify to receive a one-time, one-half (0.5) credit return-to-campus payment based on his/her percredit-hour pay rate for that semester. The college will make this return-to-campus payment only once during any one (1) semester, even if the adjunct faculty member is teaching more than one (1) course on multiple days of the week. The decision regarding available college funds for this compensation shall be determined and communicated to the college’s faculty by February 1 for the upcoming summer session.

    10. Overload for summer session

      Overload shall be granted in the summer session only under the following conditions:
      1. The faculty member’s total equivalent workload credits must exceed ten (10) credits.
      2. Overload credits shall be paid at the faculty member’s adjunct rate.
      3. Overload credits shall not exceed three (3) equivalent workload credits.
      4. Overload course(s) shall not be assigned until the school dean has assured that there are no other qualified full-time faculty willing to accept the course(s) as part of a full teaching load.
  4. Procedures

    1. Each year, specific faculty pay and compensation guidelines for summer session will be issued prior to February 1. This decision, made by the college’s President’s Executive Cabinet, will be communicated in the form of an annual Summer Session Guidelines Addendum included with this policy and the announcement of the summer submission and processing schedule by the Office of Human Resources. The Summer Session Guidelines Addendum can be found by accessing 69风流 Policy No. 3-37 on the 69风流 intranet site. The summer submission and processing schedule, with specific deadline dates, can be located on the Human Resources webpage on the 69风流 intranet site.

    2. The payment schedule for summer teaching begins in the middle of June, with a total of four (4) semi-monthly payments for full-time 9-month faculty during the summer session; and, bi-weekly payments for adjunct faculty. Overload payments for full-time faculty are typically provided in early August at the conclusion of the summer session.

      Summer Payment Schedule
      Faculty Type Contract Type Payment Period
      Full-time 9-month Summer Professional Contracts 4 semi-monthly payments
      Full-time 9-month Adjunct 4 semi-monthly payments
      Full-time 9-month Overload Once at end of summer session
      Part-time Instructor Adjunct Bi-weekly payments
    3. Compensation actions and forms:

      1. Adjunct contracts: document used to compensate part-time instructors for teaching duties and responsibilities during the summer session. The formal document used to record and confirm work assignments is identified as the Agreement for Part-Time Faculty Appointment – Sample. Completed forms are generated through the summer workload assignments entered by the academic schools through the PeopleSoft Student Information System.

        Academic schools are responsible for obtaining all required signatures and forwarding the completed forms to the Office of Human Resources, in accordance to the summer submission and processing schedule listed on the Human Resources webpage of the 69风流 intranet site: .

      2. Agreement for full-time 9-month faculty employment (for part-time summer faculty appointment): document used to compensate 9-month teaching faculty for teaching duties and responsibilities during the summer session. The formal document is used to record and confirm work assignments for 69风流 teaching faculty and can be found on the college’s Forms Directory as , Agreement for Full-Time Nine-Month Faculty Employment. Completed forms are generated from the summer workload assignments made by the academic schools.

        Pending available college funds, , Agreement for FullTime Nine-Month Faculty Employment, should also be used to identify the specific workload credits assigned to program heads and assistant-to-the-deans for summer work assignments. For one (1) full-time summer course credit, the faculty member will be required to perform a minimum of forty (40) hours of summer program work.

        Academic schools are responsible for obtaining all required signatures and forwarding the completed forms to 69风流 Human Resources in accordance to the summer submission and processing schedule listed on the Human Resource webpage on the 69风流 intranet site at .

      3. Summer Professional Contract: document used during the summer academic session or non-contract periods (May and August) to employ 69风流 9-month teaching faculty in professional-level, non-instructional work assignments. The formal document is used to record and confirm work assignments for full-time 69风流 teaching faculty and can be found on the college’s Forms Directory as , Summer Professional Contract.

        The hiring manager is required to complete Part I and Part II of the form and obtain the faculty member’s signature prior to the start date of the work assignment. At the conclusion of the work assignment, the hiring manager is required to complete Part III, obtain the faculty member’s signature, and send the original document and attachments to the Office of Human Resources to generate the payment.

        For one (1) full-time summer course credit, the faculty member will be required to perform a minimum of forty (40) hours of summer program work.

      4. Wage/Hourly employment process: process used to hire non-full-time workers and 9-month teaching faculty from other VCCS institutions during the summer months at 69风流, who will perform on-site non-teaching work assignments.

        If the individual has previously worked at 69风流 during the preceding spring semester, the hiring manager will use the following formula to determine the hourly rate: adjunct rate divided by 40. If the individual has not previously worked for 69风流, the hiring manager will use the individual’s most related pre-employment salary to request an appropriate hourly rate from 69风流 Human Resources.

        As a reminder, individuals hired via the wage/hourly employment process are required to complete weekly timesheets via the Human Resource Management System (HRMS), and obtain the supervisor’s approval, which will send the approved timesheet to the 69风流 Payroll Unit for payment. Additionally, the hiring manager must complete the following new hire forms to send to 69风流 Human Resources:

        1. , Wage (Hourly) Employment
        2. , Wage (Hourly) Offer Letter
        3. , Wage (Hourly) Employee Position Description

        Further guidance regarding the wage/hourly employment process may be obtained in 69风流 Policy No. 3-31, Personnel Actions for Wage (Hourly) Positions or at

      5. Payment for Professional Duties and Consultant: process used by 69风流 hiring managers to secure the hiring and the assignment of work or project to a full-time VCCS administrator or professional faculty from another VCCS school to perform duties at 69风流 during the summer session or during the regular academic year. Additionally, the home college will provide payment to the faculty member and will charge back the funds to 69风流 through the Inter-Agency Transfer (IAT) process.

        For payment agreements, terms and conditions of work assignments, including compensation, must be determined and agreed upon by the faculty member and the hiring manager prior to the start of the work assignment. The hiring manager is required to complete , VCCS Payment for Professional Duties and Consultant, and send to the 69风流 Office of Human Resources for further processing and payment.

      6. Independent contractor: process used to hire an individual (non-full-time VCCS administrator or professional faculty) to perform a non-teaching work assignment where the principal work is not performed on the college’s premises, daily oversight of the work is not required, college supplies and equipment are not utilized, and the work assignment results in the submission of a quantifiable and verifiable end product (e.g., course development under $5,000).

        This process should also be used to hire an individual (non-full-time VCCS administrator or professional faculty) to perform a one-time service or activity during the summer months or during the regular academic year (e.g., speaker, PDO instructor or facilitator, or consultant work under $5,000).

        For independent contractor arrangements, terms and conditions of work assignments, including compensation, must be determined and agreed upon by the individual and the hiring manager prior to the start of the work assignment. At the conclusion of the work assignment, the hired individual is required to present an invoice with a complete description of the duties performed to the hiring manager. Upon satisfactory acceptance of the completed work assignment, the hiring manager will complete the following steps:

        1. Complete , Agreement for Non-Instructional Services Rendered by Independent Contractor and obtain required signatures.

        2. Enter a purchase order through eVA (Virginia’s Online Electronic Procurement System) for the full contract amount with appropriate budget codes.

        3. At the end of the work assignment, collect invoice or invoices from the independent contractor indicating that the work has been completed.

        4. Return to eVA and code the transaction as “received” and send the completed invoices to the Accounting Department for payment to be made to the independent contractor.
  5. Other Information:

    Summer Session Guidelines Addendum

    Compensation for Regular or Summer Session for Part-time Professional Services Chart

    Summer Pay Plan Grid

    69风流 Policy No. 3-02, Faculty Teaching Load and Responsibilities

    69风流 Policy No. 3-31, Wage (Hourly) Employment and Compensation

    , Wage (Hourly) Employee Position Description

    , Wage (Hourly) Employment

    , Wage (Hourly) Offer Letter

    , VCCS Stipend Agreement

    , Agreement for Non-Instructional Services Rendered by Independent Contractor

    , Agreement for Full-Time Nine Month Faculty Employment

    , JSRCC Summer Professional Contract

    Agreement for Part-Time Faculty Appointment – Sample