REVISED DATE: 05/25/2023
  1. Purpose:

    To establish college policy as required by Title II of Public Law 101-542, as amended, which is the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), originally known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. The procedures for implementation of this policy are provided below.

  2. Procedure and/or Process Definitions:


  3. Procedures:

    1. Annual Campus Security Report

      69风流 Community College will provide, to their current and prospective students and any applicant for enrollment, information on institutional policies regarding security procedures and campus law enforcement as well as a description of programs designed to inform students about crime prevention, through the Annual Campus Security Report. The report includes statistical data about the occurrence of certain criminal offenses on campus that have been reported to campus police and security authorities and certain criminal offenses that occur adjacent to the college campuses, as reported by local police agencies.

      The Annual Campus Security Report is available each year by October 1, and an email is sent to current students and employees of the availability of the report. In addition, prospective employees and students can obtain the most current Annual Campus Security Report on the college web page. Prospective employees and students can access this report by visiting the following link: /campus_life/police/forms/clery-report.pdf Emergency notification

      When a significant emergency or dangerous situation is occurring on or in the immediate vicinity of 69风流’ premises involving an immediate threat, a notification to students, faculty, or staff will be activated so that they may take reasonable precautions for their safety. Since an emergency may be sudden and without warning, these procedures are designed to be flexible in order to accommodate institutional needs.

      There may be events which will require immediate notification by the Department of Police i.e. life safety events; however, the communication of the event will be evaluated using the Emergency Notification Communication Decision Tree as shown in Attachment A of the Critical Communications Plan.

      The Chief of Police, or designee will immediately inform the Vice President of Finance and Administration, or designee and the Director of Communications, or designee of the event. The College President will be notified if possible, prior to the release of the communication by the Vice President of Finance and Administration who will also notify the Executive Cabinet on release of communication to the college community.

    2. Timely warning

      A timely warning notification is issued on a case-by-case basis in light of all the facts surrounding a Clery reportable crime, including such factors as:

      • continuing danger to the campus community
      • compromising law enforcement efforts

      The Chief of Police, or designee will provide guidance on the required Clery reporting notification. A timely warning will be issued in instances involving specific crimes mandated by the Clery Act.

    3. Follow-Up Notification

      The 69风流 College Department of Police in conjunction with the Office of Communications will provide all initial, follow-up, and “All Clear” notifications.

    4. Methods of notification

      The Emergency Notification Communication Decision Tree as shown in attachment A of the Critical Communications Plan will determine the notification method.

      1. The 69风流 College Department of Police in conjunction with the Office of Communications will provide all initial emergency notifications.

      2. Events where an emergency notification must be made without delay, i.e. life safety events, the Police Department’s communications section will initiate a message using the college’s emergency mass notification system, 69风流 Alert, and the Alertus Beacons.

      3. Notifications will include:

        • the nature of the incident
        • the location
        • action to be taken by the affected population
      4. The notification can be distributed through various methods, to include, but not limited to:

        1. college external website
        2. college intranet
        3. blackboard landing page
        4. Alertus beacons
        5. college Information Center hotline
        6. electronic smart signs
        7. internal flat screens
        8. email to all faculty and staff
        9. email to all students
        10. email to College Board and/or Foundation Board
        11. email to external agencies and/or community groups
        12. official college social media accounts
        13. text alerts via 69风流 emergency mass notification system
  4. Other Information:

    Critical Communications Plan