EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/06/1991
REVISED DATE: 02/06/2018
  1. Purpose:

    To describe the policy and guidelines regarding the control and use of official forms used by the college.

  2. Definitions:

    External forms: any form distributed to the public, including but not limited to students.

    Internal college website: refers to the college’s intranet.

    Internal forms: any form used solely by college employees.

  3. Policy:

    The college shall adhere to a coordinated system for the maintenance and monitoring of all official college forms. Internal forms, whether originated and referenced as a part of college policy or not, shall be maintained in an electronic format and monitored by the executive officer/designee with responsibility for the form. The office requiring use of the form shall assign the form a number using a numerical prefix assigned by the Department of Technology. Office prefixes can be found on the forms page on the college intranet—internal college website—located at . Format and instructions for electronically maintaining forms are described in the procedures section of this policy.

    All forms can be found on the forms page on the college’s internal website. External forms can also be found on 69风流.edu.

    Forms included in college policy and procedures are approved by the 69风流 Leadership Council (RLC) as part of the review and approval process for college policy and procedures. Forms used solely within an office are not covered by this policy but are expected to adhere to style and format standards consistent with this policy.

    Virginia Community College System (VCCS) and other agency forms are not covered by this policy.

  4. Procedures:

    1. For the purposes of this policy, there are four formats for forms, defined as follows:

      1. Printed forms: forms that are available on 69风流.edu or on the college’s internal website that allow individuals to access and print for the purpose of inputting data manually (e.g., Employee Direct Deposit Authorization, ).

      2. Electronic forms: forms that are available on the college’s internal website that allow individuals to input data electronically into the form and then print or send electronically (e.g., Financial Inquiry Form, ).

      3. Email forms: forms that are available on the college’s internal website that create email messages with the data/information requested from the user. Use of this type of form sends the request/submission directly to the office/person requiring the use of the form (e.g., Computer Access Request Form, ).

      4. Automated forms: forms that are available either on 69风流.edu or the college’s internal website that actually run a software application and submit data electronically or print a form (e.g., 69风流 Scholarship Application, JSRCC Form No. 20-0006).

    2. Development of internal or external forms

      1. The Office of Marketing will create a template in Microsoft Word for print and electronic formats as defined above. The template will be located on the RLC’s SharePoint site in the Lodging Guidelines folder.

      2. The Department of Technology will assign each office a prefix to use as identification for the source of the form.

      3. The office requiring the use of the form will be responsible for utilizing the template and developing or revising forms that adhere to the 69风流 Brand Identity Guidelines.

      4. The office requiring the use of the form will be responsible for numbering the form using the prefix assigned by the Department of Technology.

      5. Forms will contain a footer as shown in the forms template that identifies the form and its latest revision date. An example of an acceptable format is: JSRCC Form No. xx-xxxx – Revised (Month and Year)

      6. The office requiring the use of the form will be responsible for uploading new or revised forms (with the appropriate access provided by the web manager), or for sending the form to the Office of Marketing for placement on the college’s internal website (intranet.reynolds.edu) and if applicable, to the Office of Marketing for placement on 69风流.edu.

      7. The Department of Technology will maintain an index listing of forms on the forms page on the college’s internal website.

    3. Form updates

      The office requiring the use of the form(s) is responsible for revising form(s) according to this policy and ensuring that the latest version is housed on the college’s internal website and, where appropriate, 69风流.edu.

  5. Other Information:

    Forms Template

    69风流 Brand Identity Guidelines

    Employee Direct Deposit Authorization, 

    Financial Inquiry Form,

    Computer Access Request Form,

    69风流 Scholarship Application, JSRCC Form No. 20-0006

    Lodging Guidelines