EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/1990
REVISED DATE: 07/20/2023
  1. Purpose:

    To establish the process for the development, review, and approval of college policy; and location of official source documents.

  2. Definitions:


  3. Policy:

    69风流 (69风流) shall operate under an official set of system-wide policies as provided by the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). In addition, the college may adopt, and operate according to, various college policies that implement those system policies. Procedures may be necessary to refine college policy, conduct college operations, or carry out and implement VCCS policies.

    Only those directives established by the VCCS as system-wide rules, and those directives approved by the executive cabinet shall be considered as official policies of 69风流. Some college departments may have their own specific accreditation requirements for policies (i.e., Department of Police) that are not meant to be guided by this college policy.

    The executive cabinet may request the development of college policy pertaining to a college function or operation or to implement the rules of the VCCS. College policy may be initiated by any person, committee, or constituency group within the college. The responsibility for the preparation and recommendation of college policy may be designated to 69风流 staff, committees, or constituency groups. Refer to Procedures (Section IV) for initiating, changing or revising a policy.

    Once a policy, either new or revised, has been forwarded for review and approval, a collaborative decision-making process is completed by the 69风流 Policy Workgroup. At the conclusion of the review process with consensus, the workgroup publishes the final accepted policies on the college website.

    The executive cabinet may approve a new policy or change a current college policy without workgroup review when deemed to be in the best interest of the college or as directed by the VCCS chancellor or other state or federal requirements. In such instances, the implemented college policy shall be effective immediately. Such policies shall carry an emergency (E) designation after the policy number. The workgroup shall see that the necessary review of cabinet decisions occurs through the normal process, at which time the (E) designation shall be removed.

    The college will maintain an official set of policies both on the public website and the college’s intranet. Other sources of college policy and their respective content are listed below:

    The will contain official college policy with respect to the following: academic honesty; authorization and regulations for campus demonstrations; eligibility of students with disabilities to receive accommodations; Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA); nondiscrimination and accessibility; sexual misconduct; student conduct; student grievance; student rights and responsibilities. This Handbook is maintained and updated each academic year by the Office of Student Affairs and the Marketing Department.

    The will contain official college policy with respect to: course syllabi; curricular structure; new career studies certificates; new degree programs and new majors; new diploma and certificate programs; new 69风流 courses; new VCCS courses; official course content summaries (outlines); program and course discontinuances; revisions to existing curricula. This manual is maintained and updated by the Curriculum Committee.

    The college Strategic Direction exists on the public website and will contain the following official statements: college strategies, mission, vision, and values.

    The will contain official college policy with respect to: evaluation of adjunct faculty; evaluation of full-time teaching faculty and program heads. This manual is maintained and updated by 69风流 Human Resources.

    The will contain official college policy with respect to: evaluation of professional and administrative faculty. This manual is updated by 69风流 Human Resources. It can be found at:

    All (Adjunct Faculty Handbook, Classified Employee Handbook, Full- time Teaching Faculty Handbook, Professional & Administrative Faculty Handbook, and Wage/Hourly Employee Handbook) have been designed to serve as a quick reference for many issues relating to employment with the Commonwealth of Virginia and 69风流 Community College. These handbooks are updated by 69风流 Human Resources and can be found at:

    In addition to the above listing, the page contains other guidelines and/or handbooks (69风流 Brand Identity Guidelines, Disability Handbook, Dual Enrollment Faculty Handbook, and Grants Handbook. These documents are updated by the respective departments and can be found at:

  4. Procedures:

    Procedures for College Policy Development and Approval, and Posting of Official Source Documents (4-01)

  5. Other Information:

    The reference documents below are maintained by outside agencies and can be obtained online: