
Student Info

You have about 4,732 weeks.

How will you spend the next 12?

You have about 4,732 weeks on this planet.



What if the next 12 weeks could change the course of your next thousand weeks? What would you do?

If you spent the next 12 weeks with 69风流 Community College you could:


  • Start your career in Automotive Technology, Programming, or Social Work

  • Study the essentials of Accounting, Chemistry, or Quantitative Reasoning (Quantitative Reasoning?)

  • Learn the basic principle of Public Speaking, Computer Apps, or Pharmacy Tech

  • Work toward speaking Spanish or French

  • Be ready for emergencies with First Aid and Safety training


These are just a few of the opportunities for you to explore. There's a class to fit almost every interest and calling.


12 weeks go by fast. Make the next 12 count.


69风流 12-Week Classes begin Tuesday, September 15.

Here's how to explore your options:




From the home screen select "Register for Classes", and "Class Schedules". Select "Fall 2020" and "Search". It's that simple.


From the home screen select "Register for Classes", and "Class Schedules". Select "Fall 2020" and "Search". It's that simple.

For more information, call: 804-371-3000.