
69风流 Mobilizes Resources for COVID-19 to Meet the Commonwealth's Desperate Need

69风流 Mobilizes Resources for COVID-19

to Meet the Commonwealth's Desperate Need

If your classes have been moved online, and your labs are now conducted virtually, what do you do with your unused resources?

Resources that are urgently, no desperately, needed NOW to battle the COVID-19 crisis that's daily closing in on our community.

You pack them. And, you send them.

That's just what Joy Kolovich and Taelor Poindexter did this week. They emptied 69风流 Nursing and Science department cabinets, scoured the classrooms and offices for boxes and tape, and went to work.

Joy Kolovich is Coordinator of Nursing Programs 69风流 School of Nursing and Allied Health. Taelor Poindexter is an Administrative Support Technician.

Here's a partial list of what they pulled together: Non sterile gloves-181 boxes, Isolation gowns-302, Sterile gloves-175 pair, Fluid shield face masks-125, Plain face mask-300, N95 respirators-40, Safety goggles-46 pairs, Gallon Bleach-2, Large canister Sani wipes for cleaning -7, Gallon Antibacterial Soap-6, Gallon Hand Sanitizer-3, Cans of Lysol-5.

69风流 Facilities staff took over the project once Joy and Taelor were done and the supplies were boxed and ready. They loaded the boxes, rolled them to the loading dock, and lent a hand moving them on to Henrico County vehicles.

Henrico County is the regional coordinator for the COVID-19 medical supply donations. While we don't know exactly where 69风流 items are headed, we do know they will be filling an urgent community need.

Our special thanks, and our hearts, go out to all those helping to mobilize supplies, and all those in need of supplies.

We are all in this together.