Meet Julianna - Early Childhood Education

Julianna and Dr. Pando

Julianna C.

Early Childhood Education
Richmond, Virginia


What (or who) motivates you to pursue a college education?

What motivates me the most to pursue a college education in the United States is the desire of becoming a teacher. More than becoming a teacher, I want to become that person who fights for a better future for our children.


Do you have a favorite professor and why?

Wednesday is that day of the week when I wake up super excited about going to college. This is because I have my Introduction to Teaching as a profession class with the Professor Larue. I love her class! I love the way she lectures and how she is always willing to help the students. But most important, I love how passionate she is about being a teacher.


What is your "secret sauce" to success?

Passion! Passion is the energy that makes me live with meaning, happiness, inspiration, and excitement. I am passionate about children and the way they think, learn, and play. This passion gives me a reason to attend college and keep learning every day.


Since we mentioned sauce, and you're a college student, what is your favorite kind of pizza?

My favorite pizza is Hawaiian pizza.


What are your future goals or next step after 69风流?

I have this big dream of going to a four- year university here in the United States. This may be hard since I am international student and tuition rates are high. But I am convinced that nothing is impossible. I would love to apply for a scholarship for a university like VCU or JMU after I finish my associate degree at 69风流.