Resources > Online Teaching & Learning > Accessibility

Best Practices for Accessible Course Design

Universal Design Approach

  • Create an inclusive learning environment for all students
  • Proactively remove barriers in materials, technologies, and assessments

Legal Compliance and Institutional Support

  • Adhere to ADA and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act
  • Utilize resources from the Office of Student Accommodations
  • Include accessibility policy and accommodation contact information

Content Accessibility

  • Provide documents in accessible formats with proper headings
  • Use alternative text for images and create accessible hyperlinks
  • Ensure sufficient color contrast and avoid color-only information
  • Use selectable PDFs and appropriate table structures

Multimedia Accessibility

  • Include captions or transcripts for audio/video content
  • Provide accessible media players with full-screen and download options
  • Ensure screen reader compatibility and adaptable content formats

Diverse Learning Considerations

  • Accommodate various learning styles and needs
  • Offer alternatives to visual information
  • Enable students to review and revisit course material
  • Choose inclusive interactive activities

Self-Assessment and Continuous Improvement

  • Regularly evaluate materials from various accessibility perspectives
  • Consider auditory, visual, mobility, and processing needs
  • Stay informed about accessibility standards and best practices

Student Empowerment

  • Foster an environment where all students can engage effectively
  • Ensure full participation opportunities for students with disabilities

Key Questions to Consider

  1. Can students understand the material if they cannot hear or see it?
  2. Can students with mobility impairments participate fully?
  3. Are materials available in accessible electronic versions?
  4. Do multimedia elements have captions or transcripts?
  5. Do interactive activities exclude anyone with a disability?

Accessibility Best Practices